The Central University of Venezuela, also called the University of Caracas (The Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas), built to the design of the architect Carlos Raśl Villanueva, between 1940 and 1960, is an outstanding example of the Modern Movement in architecture. The university campus integrates the large number of buildings and functions into a clearly articulated ensemble, including masterpieces of modern architecture and visual arts, such as the Aula Magna with the "Clouds" of Alexander Calder, the Olympic Stadium, and the Covered Plaza. The modern university has a capacity for 30,000 students. It is an outstanding example of the coherent realization of the urban, architectural, and artistic ideals of the early 20th century. It constitutes an ingenious interpretation of the concepts and spaces of colonial traditions and an example of an open and ventilated solution, appropriate for its tropical environment. The Ciudad Universitaria was declared a Venezuelan National Heritage site in the year 2000, and a World Cultural Patrimony of Humanity site by UNESCO in 2001.

The Ciudad Universitaria
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